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Our Committee

Dan Marshall

Dan Marshall

Dan Marshall Vice Chair @DanMarshall98

Lucy Howie

Lucy Howie

Lucy Howie Chair @howie_lucy

Ewan McCaul

Ewan McCaul

Ewan McCaul General Secretary @EwanMcCall_UK

John Angus Macaulay

John Angus Macaulay

John Angus Macaulay Treasurer

Joshua Osborne

Joshua Osborne

Joshua Osborne Campaigns Secretary @joshosborne1997

Sean Nwachukwu

Sean Nwachukwu

Sean Nwachukwu Events Secretary @realnwachukwu

Lottie Emily Doherty

Lottie Emily Doherty

Lottie Emily Doherty Womens Officer @lottieemily__

Ewan Davidson

Ewan Davidson

Ewan Davidson Media Secretary

Ameer Chughtai

Ameer Chughtai

Ameer Chughtai BAME Officer

Gareth Williams

Gareth Williams

Gareth Williams LGBT+ Officer



Mohammed Hammeda Freshers' Representative

Felix Langley

Felix Langley

Felix Langley Disabilities Officer



Vacant Postgraduate Representative

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